Thursday 29 November 2012


Its 4:32 in the morning already and im not sleeping yet. I woke up at 2+, i think its the act of jetlag :< I just came back from london and the trip was splendid, wonderful, awesome, no words can describe it. Splendid, wonderful, awesome are understatements. Went on the 19 november and it was a 10 days trip. It was a school trip organized by the awesome school teacher. Mr Yeo, Ms Nisha and Ms Wong. Not forgetting the awesome tour manager, alice. i will blog about the trip once i get my hands on all the photos.

Friday 9 November 2012

i smell freedom. NOT.

Heyyyyy guys. Today's the last day of the step program which means its the last day of school, officially. But i still have tons of homework and have to do lots of revision for next year. And ms eng bought us pizza ( Thanks ms Eng!) and told us that she will not be teaching us next year. Hmmm i seriously dont know how to feel. To be happy or not to be. For those who know me, i dislike her since like the beginning of school, After yesterday when she told us that she wont be teaching us (she told us quite emotionally), i felt a sense of guilt. i dont really know if i should feel this way base on the relation with her past this months. Nevertheless, i appreciated her today and will of course smile at her when i see her which i never really do.  Lastly, thanks you ms eng :)

class photo with ms eng just now.

Monday 5 November 2012


we had chemistry practical today and it was not really good. Ms koh is very anal about everything but i think thats good for us right? And after drama, i went to grandparents house to have dinner and visit the baby as my aunty just gave birth. CONGRATS haha. i have been feeling damn sleepy this few days and i think i should sleep early. so goodnight. blog next time :)