Friday 26 October 2012

Happy Birthday AMA!

Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims!

Anyway its grandma birthday today! Went to my aunty house to celebrate with cuzzys and relatives who are : eccentric, high like nobody business yea etc... The food there was great as usual. And guess what, i found an interesting and disheartening fact today! My baby cousin hate me. YES YES LAUGH AT ME, AM I THAT HIDEOUS :> Played table tennis too at cousin's condo, it wasnt that fun but its okayyy lahh. JieJie bought ice-cream for us HOORAY FOR HER. came back home and my L4D2 finished downloading and played a little, and i swear it was damn scary. I wonder if i will have nightmares later. hope nt.

Thats about it for now, i guess. Goodnight.ceeya

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