Saturday 29 December 2012

2013 Resolution

Hey! I just came back in the afternoon from beijing and its real fun! And in a few more days, 2 more days to be exact, it will be 2013, and it will be a major year for me. I will be taking the major national exam that will determine my future. HAHHAH its crazy right?

Ok so some resolutions for 2013:
  1. stay fit, slim down. (seems impossible)
  2. study hard, get a good 'O' level score.(good enough to go to veterinary bioscience.)
  3. this is not for 2013, but i wanna get a scholarship to australia to study vet.
  4. Lastly have fun, stay healthy. You cant only study, study, study. its madness.
Whats yours? let me know! have a good 2013 ahead. 


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