Sunday 2 December 2012

United kingdom.(part 1)

 *disclaimer: i'm not a good writer. But i hope it wont be boring and make my blog entries  as interesting as possible*

Hi guys! As said on my previous blog entry, i told you guys that i went to a school trip to the UK on the 19nov-29nov. And me being a shuper duper lazy guy, i need to blog parts by parts.

(Y) I promise to keep it short and post with lots of pictures. (Y)

To do a sort of "synopsis" of the trip, I made a slideshow of some of the pictures taken during the trip. I hope its not too long and boring,.....

DAY 1...(20 november)

Itinerary for that day.:

  1. Lake district.
  2. Grasemere village.
  3. Visit dove cottage.
  Bus driver was dick! He's such a nice guy and super funny guy. I miss him already HAHAHA. he drove us from the airport in Manchester and we headed straight to the grasemere village. It was super tiring to start the itinerary straight after the plane ride but it was totally worth it.

To start off the trip, we headed to grasmere village, about 1 hour from the airport. As the roads were too narrow, the bus had to stop at the carpark and the group leaders had to pick up takeaway lunch further up the road. We had our lunch in the bus and after eating, we had our own free time to walk around the village and take some photos. 
Shops located in Grasmere village. 0% tall buildings. 100% beautiful cottages.

Bought my self some gingerbread. its quite surprisingly nice. But not my cup of tea

This is the local churchyard where wordsworth and his family is buried.

Graveyards erected around the churchyard.
one of the many cottages.

  We later visited the early home of the late famous poet, William Wordsworth. For a non-literature student, i honestly quite enjoy the visit to his early home. As i learnt quite alot about his early life. His early home condition was quite bad, honestly. If i were to stay there now, i guarantee plus chop that i wont be able to stay there for just a day. The ceiling was low, the house was small, everything was cramped. Also, since there was no electricity during those days, thus they burnt candles that were made of lamb lard which was said to be very very smelly. The toothpaste they used were made of salt and soot, i wont want that to be in my mouth O.O ewwww. we also visited the guestroom and the Walls and ceilings were covered by newspaper as covering the walls with newspaper will insulate heat. The newspaper are still properly pasted and there is lottery results on the newspaper! COOL! OLD HABITS DIE HARD HUH.
<pic stolen from google.> william wordsworth cottage

"When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze."

-daffodils, william wordsworth
Our lodging for the night at the youth hostel.
Let me tell you a secret, i broke the metal grill at the top of the double bed. HAHAHA.SHHH

Our day was short as the sun sets very early, as early as 4.15 p.m.


DAY 2...(21 november)

Itinerary for that day:
  1. Rydal Mount.
  2. Haworth.
  3. Bronte sister.

I woke up at 5 a.m. cos i had to shit.(sorry for the crude english.) But thank goodness i could shit cos i had constipation the other day. HAHA. I ended up waking everyone in my room up (zahin, zhicong and jeffri.) HAHA. i woke up to a super nice scenery and super cooling weather. There are ALOT, of sheeps at the country side but im unable to take a decent photo of it so no sheeps for you. :( 
the view outside the youth hostel
BYE windermere.
After breakfast at the Youth hostel, we then headed to Rydal Mount, where william wordsworth stays during his later parts of his life. His descendants still uses william Wordsworth house in Rydal mount. You can see recent pictures of decendants in the house. Quite cool. We walked around the house and i can safely say that the house is so much nicer than the house william stayed in his early years! The house is so nicely decorated, probably decorated by his descendants. Outside of his house, there is also a beautiful garden however, most of the flowers have already wilted as it is nearing winter. And as i am writing this, it is already winter, and snowing. So mentally torturing hor, when we leave the UK, it snows. T.T
This is william wordsworth home in his later years. so much better it is than the one at lake district.
And yes, this can be my dream house.

group picture :) with new made friends.

After rydal mount, we travelled all the way to harworth and had our lunch. We had Fish&chips for lunch and it was very good. When i was in singapore, people told me that the traditional english fish&chips is so much nicer than the one in singapore and it is a must try, i guess it is true. The fish is very fresh and the fries are not processed and hand cut. Its just fish, batter, potato, and BAMP! An awesome plate of fish&chips. 

After lunch, we got a bit of free time to walk around the area to shop and i got myself a cup of hot chocolate. Zhicong and Terry went to the candy shop to get candy and you dont see those kind of candy shops in singapore. (admit it, if you want sweets you just go to 7-Eleven).The sell a wide variety of candy in small packagings and the most common candy i see everywhere is fudge. IDK why. 

This is a painting of the bronte sisters.
You can see that there is a man in the picture,
the man is actually their brother. He actually
painted a picture of himself but later
painted himself out so as to paint his sisters.

We then walked to where the bronte sister live and while walking, alice(the tour guide) told us that the floor was the same as the olden time. We went for a lecture about the lifes of the bronte sisters and it was very interesting even though i don't even know about them until then. The 3 sisters were, Anne, Emily, Charlotte. Their life were very 'gothic' like as they had alot of set backs in life. Their living conditions were not good and school for them was bad too. The teachers mistreated them and how they eat and play in the school were terrible as said by the book charlotte wrote, jane eyre. The lifes were very dark. All of them passed away in a very young age because of tuberculosis. They wrote very small words that needs a binoculars to see it on very small books as paper was very expensive then! When they publish books, they had to disguise as male authors as back then, as people wouldn't want to buy books written by females.

After the lecture, we went to the museum(a.k.a house of the bronte family). The most interesting part was to see the sofa which Emily passed away on it.  Even blogging about it now gives me goosebumps.

We then had dinner at a pub and my dish was a half-chicken. I struggled eating the chicken with a fork and a knife. You should see how the chicken looked like after i ate it. HAHA. We went to Tesco supermarket after dinner to get some mineral water and food to eat in the hotel. And the supermarket is super cool. We can be cashiers ourself. We scan and pay out own things. It cant be compared to Giant megamart please.
The self-cashier. whatever you call it.


End of part 1.

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