Friday 7 December 2012

United Kingdom.(Part 2)

Day 3...(22 november)

Itinerary for that day.:
  1. Visit Shakespear birthplace at stratford-upon-avon
  2. Workshop on Shakespear.
We didn't had hotel in the hotel today as the hotel does not have a bar or a cafe so we headed to Macdonald's for breakfast! i had Big Breakfast with tea. However, i find that the Big breakfast in Singapore is nicer. HAHA being honest here ok not everything in the UK is better than Singapore!

After breakfast, we then headed to stratford-upon-avon where the famous poet, william shakespear was born. We had time to walk around the place first and i bought some chocolates at Marks&Spencers. However, they did not allow people under 16 to buy liquor related stuffs so i said i am 16 LOL(im 15 btw) but they did not allow STILL as i have no identification card whatsoever. But, my teacher helped me to buy the chocolates since they are for my family. YAY FTW. (Y)

Jeffri posing with the chocolates. I just have to censor his mouth.
We then meet for lunch at some pastry shop. the pastry was super yummy. Its like our singapore curry puff put nicer. My filling was thai chicken but the onion and cheese one was the nicest though. If i remember the name of the pastry correctly, its called, Cornish pastry.

We thenhad to rush our lunch as we were a little late for our workshop conducted by the shakespeare's birthplace trust. The workshop was very interesting where we talk about the play- romeo and juliet. Before the workshop, i only know that romeo and juliet died, and thats all. However, after the workshop, I learnt a lot about romeo and juliet, the lecturer asked us lots of questions about the play.

After the workshop, we got to explore the museum and shakespear birthplace and i learnt lot of things of him from the visit of his house.....

After that, theres a tour guide, bringing us around stratford and explaining to us the significances of building such as the church where shakespere was buried, this was very interesting. The reason why shakespere wanted to be buried in the church is because during his times, alot of people passed away so the people reuse tombs where people were already buried. Therefore, shakespere did not anyone to dig out his body so he demanded to be buried in the church. And the tour guide told us in the church, shakespere wrote -those who leave his skeleton alone will be blessed and those who disturb it will be cursed. yeah something like that.

It was still quite early although the sky has already darken as the sun sets very early, so we had time to walk around the place to explore as there is a night market (pasar malam) going on. One of the stalls had free samples of steak and its the best i ever tried man. And zhicong being zhicong took alot. HAHAHAHA! We also had ice cream at Mac even though we are having dinner very soon. And the ice cream is super yums one, nicer than singapore. AND LOTS OF CHOICES. the Mcflury have cunchies,smarties and cadburuy as topping one can. 
HAHA i photoshopped it cos i was bored.  XD

tada..... and thats not the bra. thats moziac hahaha. 
We then had a wonderful dinner at Moon restaurant. I had salmon and dill fishcake and Lemon and orange pie. And the toilet there is super classy one. So classy until cannot class anymore. 


  1. hahahahahhaa the photos of me and the statues are in terry's laptop! Hahahahhaa I wished I could post them up but, hahaha Cant la

    1. MUST POST MUST POST! . HAHAHAHHA. just dont post at the school blog can already!

  2. I have not posted my uk entry on on my personal blog. I saved as draft as my photos are not finished edited by a friend. Btw! GUESS WHAT! Part 2 of the vid is 100 percent full completed! The first part is still with terry! :( I swear to you its super cool!

    1. YAY i cant wait to watch it. Show it on assembly if can arh.
