Saturday 29 December 2012

2013 Resolution

Hey! I just came back in the afternoon from beijing and its real fun! And in a few more days, 2 more days to be exact, it will be 2013, and it will be a major year for me. I will be taking the major national exam that will determine my future. HAHHAH its crazy right?

Ok so some resolutions for 2013:
  1. stay fit, slim down. (seems impossible)
  2. study hard, get a good 'O' level score.(good enough to go to veterinary bioscience.)
  3. this is not for 2013, but i wanna get a scholarship to australia to study vet.
  4. Lastly have fun, stay healthy. You cant only study, study, study. its madness.
Whats yours? let me know! have a good 2013 ahead. 


Friday 21 December 2012


 I survived 2012 OKAYYY. I mean everyone survived and some say 2012 is postponed to 2015, what bull shit. HAHAH.

Anyway, i will be leaving for China in a few hours time, 1a.m. flight to be exact and heading to beijing. Can't wait to eat all those sinful peking duck. Yea. Eat ducks fats cos YOLO. :>

Ok seeya, i have to attend my dad company event before going to the airport and i speculate it will be boring just like the last time. BYYYYEEEE>

Monday 17 December 2012


No monday blues this time as today, my cousins and i planned a karaoke session! HAHA virgin karaoke session.

In the morning, my sister and i went to my cousin's house at Hougang to have Mc breakfast, mcgriddles supreme for me today. Then, we nua in the room until she got ready. (psst she's really show HAHAHA). Since we booked the karaoke at 2, we left the house at about 1and went to Chinatown. The karaoke is really cheap. 2p.m.-7p.m. cost only $10 per person hence the name: ten dollar club. We sang our hearts out especially when i hear JESSIE J. HEHE FANBOYING!

Went to orchard road for dinner after singing and ate at javier's at cine. AWESOME DINNER, FULL AND SATISFYING! I like their system here where you pay abt $11 for a plate and you can fill as much salad items on your plate, be it hot or cold dish!

Fill-e-plate salad. GOOOODDD

I had beef baked rice for my main course.

Headed for ice cream after dinner. I got a weird flavor, cotton candy mix with white chocolate chips and gummy bear.
strawberry blonde.

Friday 14 December 2012



Roughly about two more weeks to school. ARGHHH 'O' level year next year! And next friday, I will be going to Beijing for a family vacation. I did not really look forward to it at first but you bet i am now! Heard it's super cold now and constantly snowing. WOOTS. Since I cant touch finland snow, I will touch made in china snow.

After tuition in the morning today, i took a bus down to Simei to get some baking stuffs since i'm planning to bake SALTED CARAMEL CUPCAKE:> trust me, I will blog about it if its successful. POPI POPI--cousin's way to get good luck. HAHHA. And i can't find buttermilk in Simei, so i went to Tampines NTUC to get it but turns out they are out of stock :( So sad justin went back home to have lunch.

After lunch, i went to tampines mall again as i'm going to meet my primary school scout friends to celebrate my friend, Tun's birthday.
We went to watch Hotel translvynia before having dinner and the show is very funny. MUST WATCH!!! HAHA. We then had dinner at Texas and saw Qistina, was surprised to see her though! After dinner, we Chit-chat at Open plaza and took lots of polaroid photos.

It was time to get home as i wanna catch my channel 8 drama and xfactor babeh and tun got to go back home as he is leaving for malaysia (really happy E3 got out instead of 5harmony.). And after that, I quickly went to check out another supermarket and they had buttermilk! HAHA HAPPY HAPPY. 

thats about it. good night.


Wednesday 12 December 2012

United Kingdom. (part 3)

Day 4...(23 november)

Itinerary for that day.:
  1. Visit Alcester grammar school
  It was very cold that day and we could see smoke coming out from our mouth effortlessly and it was super duper awesome!!! After breakfast, we headed to Alcester grammar school for a exchange and we had to experience the UK type of education. When we alighted the bus, dick jokingly said we are back in school hahah.
This picture so glamorous right! I take one ehhhhhh. HAHA

If you noticed, the building is not as tall as the schools in singapore.

The entrance of the school. 

 My buddy was Alice and Morgan. I regretted not taking a picture with them.. HAHAH. Both of them are really nice people! Alice was pretty too haha. So before sitting in the classroom to experience the UK style of teaching, we had assembly. I asked alice and she said they have assembly every friday morning. The assembly was very interesting. One of the teachers talked about toilet OCD haha, very different right?? He brought the message across to us in a interesting manner not like how the assembly at school is like. OMG CAN DIE OF BOREDOM (especially mr toh safety talk. SHHHHH) And one thing that i noticed, when the teacher talked, everyone, in a split second went quiet. I was really amazed, really.

So the first lesson i went to experience was physcology with darryl. The school have different classrooms for different subject so the students have to move to different classrooms for different classrooms which then again is very different. The students asked alot of questions and really not shy one. But students being students, i saw some of them using phone. LOLOLLOL. The teacher did not use ICT or whatever, the worksheet the teacher gave was the only resource they had for the lesson. And its kinda sad that singapore does not offer this kind of interesting subject.

My next lesson was Chemistry. I and sean had to go to a higher standard (think A level) chemistry class as the one we are supposed to go is full. I'm already suffering with chemistry in singapore much less 'A' level chemistry! SO i didn't understand anything AT ALL!! But the funny thing is that the teacher's name is Mr Bala HAHAHA!

After both lessons, we got to visit the canteen and it was really crowded with students! Really crowded! There were like only a few tables so the rest of them had to eat while standing up.

We then had a group picture with the principal and the buddies and thank you for hosting us!

After the school visit, we went to see Anne Hathaway cottage, just the outside though.

Eating ice cream in cold weather cos YOLO!

 Since he still have a very long time till we head to oxford at night, we had time to shop at stratford, again. And it is the first day we have to buy our own lunch so we had.... PASTA!

We had pasta together with the teachers and a group of us. DELICIOUS! But sadly, no naked statue at such posh restaurants, HAHA BUT Hui Jun ACCIDENTALLY touched my butt though. I feel violated. . :(( LOLOLLOL. And we were spamming parmesan cheese on our pasta. And terry said you can never have enough of cheese and cheese goes with anything. Hmmmm wise words Terry!

We still like had 3 more hours to shop so i went to get a cup of starbucks. And i got strawberry and cream which was a blended breverage. I GOT COLD DRINK COS I GOT BALLS OF STEEL K! I didn't get much stuffs there cos there are not much stuffs but i got my self a lot of food including this.......


At around 4, when the sun is about to set, we headed to oxford for the night. Before dinner, we went to tesco supermarket to buy breakfast as the hotel does not provide breakfast. So i got really some interesting stuffs for breakfast. 

i know its super fattening but its heaven.
pour the choc pieces into the molten choc and walllaaa goodness.
1 pound starbucks, worth it!
Ok this the most epic part of the trip, im trying to build this up, hoping that it will be funny. Ok, at the super market, i came across a cute toddler with red puffy eyes, maybe he just cried. seeing how cute he is, i waved at the baby, the baby cried and the mother screamed at me: "why ya staring at my babeh." AHHAHA we were like shocked! Ms rajawant helped me and said "he(me) is just saying he's(babl at peopleh) cute" HAHAH LOLLOLLOLLOL. Can any mother tell me if its maternal instinct to yele for waving to babies or isit just me? HAHA. Hope it is funny cos it really is! I got really depressed afterwards for getting scolded by a mother in a foreign land thinking babies do not like me HAHAHAHAHHA LOL.

We had dinner after wards and i had a burger for dinner. The burger was really big and my lip was peeling, so its kinda hard stretching my mouth to eat the burger.

And this toilet also quite good arh. Inside got condom and tic-tac machine one LOL. who would buy tic-tac in the toilet and furthermore, placed next to condoms. I wouldnt. Maybe the tic-tac was a smoke screen, it might be selling viagra. HAHAHA.

After dinner we headed back to the hotel to have a good night rest. And everyone was moody, including zc cos they were super tired.


Day 5...(24 november)

Itinerary for that day.:
  1. explore town of Oxford.
After breakfast in our own hotel rooms, we headed to the town of oxford known for all the prestigious universities. There are more than 30 colleges just in oxford alone! WOW. Compared to singapore, Singapore only have about 8 universities if i'm not wrong.

When we got there, i got the very nostalgic feeling, the buildings are very retro looking like. HAHA. 

The teachers arranged a amazing race for us and we had to do a lot of daring challenges like taking pictures with random people and recording other people voices. Its super funny but we all had alot of fun. But, just when we just started, a loud explosion just happened in front of us. I had a shock of my life ehh haha, even ms marianne umbrella flew up LOL EPIIICCC. Turns out is that the bus tire burst LOL.
first mission.
to ask about their day and take a picture.... HAHAHHA
Another task was to take picture with twenty plus bicycles. 

this old lady was a bit skeptical of taking a photo with us but agreed in the end!

we had to take picture of the cheese in the covered market
And really got alot of cheese one. Its a mice heaven.

Beautifully decorated cakes in the covered market!

The so called bridge of sighs and we had to pretend to be the bridge of sighs.
LOL so embarassing when people were looking at us can!

After the amazing race, we went to have lunch at a cafe cos it was raining already. 

After having an awesome warm lunch at the cafe, we explored oxford with the guide and the guide explained to us the significance of buildings and we even got to enter one of the colleges. We even got to see where the harry potter movie was filmed BUT i did not watch any harry potter movie before so i can't really appreciate it. But i'm sure most of you will have orgasms after seeing where harry potter was filmed.

We got a little time to shop after the the tour and i got my self the legendary oxford university hoodie! And some of the girls claimed the saw louis tomlison from one direction. YOU JELLY? After shopping, i was super excited as we are finally heading to LONDON for four days babeh. And it was our last day with dick and we were very sad cos dick was such a nice bus driver, the best in the world! We sang a song for him and even held a portable club in the bus HAHA. Zahin and I was dancing with flashlights and music and all. LOL FUN FUN! And just in the bus, the scenery of london is so super nice, the big ben and the london eye! 

dinner at the hotel cafe.

~End of part 3.~